The Number 1 Beauty Trend of 2020

Many people are starting to question the need for traditional chemical based approaches to skin care. One notable celebrity who seems to be leading a charge towards all natural skin care is Gwyneth Paltrow. Natural products cost less, are better for you and the planet and require fewer variations.

One product which we came across was KoScrub. 

KoScrubs mission statement reads:

“The story behind KoScrub is that we were seeing so many trends come and go within the beauty industry and understand just how difficult it’s becoming for you find a product you can trust and actually works.

Instead of 3-5 products used in combination, we wanted to make sure you just need one. Instead of a product filled with chemicals, we wanted your KoScrub to be all natural. Instead of something which is finished within a month, we wanted your KoScrub to last 3. Instead of a product with cheap components, we wanted your KoScrub to have only the highest grade premium ingredients. Instead of something which is not sustainable for the environment, we wanted your KoScrub to be eco-friendly.

Instead of a trend that comes and goes. We wanted KoScrub to come and grow. “

With that we were intrigued and wanted to dig deeper into what KoScrub was all about. Organic, plant based, 100% natural and biodegradable. KoScrub ticks all the right boxes for an alternative solution to traditional chemical based skin care regimes.

After doing research on KoScrub and it’s main ingredient Konjac. We discovered that it has been used in Japan for centuries as a way of skin care.

We even came across a study published in the American Journal of Dermatology which concluded Konjac was effective for the treatment of mild to moderate acne.

Currently KoScrub comes in 3 infusions: Charcoal, Green Tea and French Pink Clay. Each infusion provides unique benefits to the user dependent on their skin type.

One of the notable pros of KoScrub is the ease of use. You simply pick a variation depending on your skin type, soak in water for 30 seconds to activate the ingredients and massage away. No need to add cleanser or moisturiser as the Konjac and infusion work well without.

A further look into the reviews on the KoScrub website and the kit itself looks promising. What’s more is that they offer a 30 day money back guarantee, so there you have nothing to lose when it comes to giving this new type of skin care product a try.

Click here for more information about KoScrub.

The post The Number 1 Beauty Trend of 2020 appeared first on Women Daily Magazine.



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