10 Health Dangers Of Sitting Too Long and How It’s Crippling Your Body

The sedentary lifestyle combined with everyday stress can really endanger our health. Spending most part of the day sitting or lying down, without exercising, can cause serious health issues such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular problems and even death. Some experts even claim that sitting is the new smoking!

“Any extended sitting — such as at a desk, behind a wheel or in front of a screen — can be harmful. An analysis of 13 studies of sitting time and activity levels found that those who sat for more than eight hours a day with no physical activity had a risk of dying similar to the risks of dying posed by obesity and smoking,” explains Edward R.Laskowski, M.D.

The human body is designed to stand upright. When the body is upright, the organs are more efficient. People who are physically active have more energy, stronger bones and are much healthier.

Here are 10 reasons why you should avoid sitting for too long:

1. Sitting for too long slows down everything in the body, even the brain. The more we move, the more fresh oxygen and blood gets pumped in the brain.

2. It can increase the risk of getting lung, colon, breast and endometrial cancer.

3. It caused poor stability and balance and it also raises the risk of bone fractures and injuries.

4. It can lead to obesity.

5. It can cause increased blood sugar levels, and eventually lead to diabetes.

6. People who work behind a desk, have increased rate of heart disease.

7. Too much sitting can increase the risk of herniated lumbar disks, because there’s increased pressure on the spine.

8. People who sit for too long have a higher risk of premature death.

9. Lack of activity causes imbalance of the soft disks between the vertebrae and makes them become starved of important nutrients. Collagen hardens around the tendons and reduces the flexibility.

10. Too much sitting can cause neck pain and bad body posture.

The post 10 Health Dangers Of Sitting Too Long and How It’s Crippling Your Body appeared first on Women Daily Magazine.

source https://www.womendailymagazine.com/10-health-dangers-of-sitting-too-long-and-how-its-crippling-your-body/


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