5 Ways To Prevent A Heat Stroke And Stay Cool

Heat stroke is a medical condition that happens when the body can no longer cool itself. This causes the body to suffer from dehydration, because it can’t release internal heat into the environment.

Generally, a heat stroke can occur in 4 stages:

1. Heat syncope (fainting)

This happens when the body tries to cool itself, which caused the blood vessels to dilate so much that the blood flow to your brain is reduced. Fainting, caused by a heat stroke, mainly occurs in people that has been active in a hot environment. People can experience other symptoms such as dizziness and nausea.

2. Heat cramps

Heat cramps or muscle cramps are one of the first signs. You may feel like you pulled a muscle even though you haven’t done anything. This is a huge warning sign that your body is hydrated.

3. Heat exhaustion

Heat exhaustion can cause heavy sweating, headache, weakness, cold and pale skin, changes in pulse, vomiting, nausea and fainting. If these symptoms don’t get treated, it can lead to a heat stroke.

4. Heat stroke

It’s the most serious heat-related illness and it can lead to organ failure, brain damage and even death. The most common symptoms include:

– rapid and strong pulse
– body temperature above 103F
– fatigue
– nausea and vomiting
– shallow breathing
– muscle weakness
– delirium
– confusion
– minimal or no sweating
– dark colored urine
– seizures
– unconsciousness

Here are 5 ways you can prevent heat stroke:

1. Drink lots of water and consume hydrating foods

The best way to avoid a heat stroke is to drink lots of water and keep your body hydrated. Don’r wait until you’re thirsty to drink water. If you’re not a fan of water, try drinking fresh, homemade smoothies, sparkling water or Kombucha. Another great way to keep your body hydrated is to consume hydrating foods such as: oranges, watermelon, coconut water, berries, grapes, pineapple, kiwi, cucumber, carrot, zucchini, avocado, lettuce and broccoli.

2. Avoid direct sunlight

Limit your time outdoors on hot days to avoid developing a heat stroke. If you need to be outside, make sure you stay in the shade or wear an umbrella.

3. Avoid sugary drinks, alcohol, and caffeine

Prevent dehydration by avoiding sugary drinks, caffeine and alcohol. All these drinks cause electrolyte loss and increased urination. Also, avoid drinking sport drinks because they contain tons of sugar and synthetic flavorings.

4. Stay in Air-conditioned buildings

Make sure that you keep your body cold during extremely hot weather. Stay in air-conditioned buildings during heat waves. Another way to reduce your body’s temperature is to take a cool shower, wear light-colored clothing and to apply cool compresses to your head and neck.

5. Check your medications

Some medications can increase the risk of a heat stroke because they affect how your body reacts to the heat. Some of these medications include: antidepressant, antibiotics, antihistamines blood pressure pills. Drugs for heart disease, laxatives, seizure meds and diuretics.

If you experience heat stroke symptoms, call your 911. Get in a cool place and apply cold compress on your forehead.

The post 5 Ways To Prevent A Heat Stroke And Stay Cool appeared first on Women Daily Magazine.

source https://www.womendailymagazine.com/5-ways-to-prevent-a-heat-stroke-and-stay-cool/


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