7 Women’s Health Tips to Cope With The COVID-19 Pandemic

It goes without saying, but the COVID-19 pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2 has been one of the biggest disasters of all time — in many ways even more so than other similar events such as 9/11 or the 2008 housing crisis.

On top of the serious health-concerns disrupting how we go about our daily lives, there has been immense damage inflicted on our economy as well. What is worse is that these issues have been going on for months, and it’s uncertain when it will all come to an end!

While nearly every individual has been impacted in some form or another, women have been one of the most strained groups as a result of the pandemic.

Beyond the fact that 91% of the world’s nurses are made up of women (according to Faststaff.com) and they have been at the frontlines of the fight against COVID-19. Also, 80% of single-parent households in the U.S. alone, are led by single moms.

With schools closed — forcing parents to abruptly home school and care for their children on their own — and jobs in jeopardy, it’s easy to see the negative impact that COVID-19 has had on women’s health.

Not only do women have the threat of catching or spreading the virus (while at work or when they’re out shopping for household essentials) but they also have to worry about their financial stability in the face of an economic decline and record unemployment nationwide.

All of these factors are taking a serious toll on the mental health of millions of women across the country. Thankfully, we’re here to provide some guidance on coping with this pandemic in a healthy and constructive way.

COVID-19 & Women’s Health: The Best Ways to Cope With The Pandemic

Dealing With Financial Stress

The financial burden that many Americans are facing currently cannot be understated. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 18 million Americans filed for unemployment last month. Of these 18 million people, 9 million are women.

As monthly rent and mortgage payments start to pile up, you might be wondering how you’re going to afford the cost of living.

While Congress did pass the CARES act back in March, which was contributing an additional $600 — known as pandemic relief — to an individual’s weekly unemployment benefit, this only covered American families until the end of July.

As of now, politicians have failed to reach a nationwide agreement on any further financial aid to the American people; which is leaving most concerned about how they’ll be able to afford the cost of living and essentials like food and medicine.

For women who are single parents, the threat of not being able to take care of our children is unimaginable. Thankfully, there are ways you can relieve some of the stress related to your current financial situation.

Look for Remote Work

Working from home is, by no means, a new trend; but more companies than ever before are coming around to the idea of working remotely due to the pandemic.

Now maybe the perfect time to polish up your resume and start searching online job boards (Indeed, LinkedIn, etc.) for roles that can be done from home.

Not only are remote positions ideal for avoiding COVID-19 exposure, they also give single moms the chance to spend more time with their kids and help with their online classes too.

Sell Things You Don’t Need

If you own a lot of items you no longer need, such as an old lawnmower or jewelry, then this might be a great time to downsize and sell them.

Luckily, you can get extra money quickly by placing these items on easy to use apps like Mercari or LetGo.

Track Spending & Cut Expenses

Limiting our spending habits is inevitable during this pandemic. This is a fact many Americans have had to come to terms with over the last few months.

Budgeting each month is now one of our most important tasks, but one that can truly help you save money when you need it the most.

The secret to budgeting properly is to start by tracking your spending. If you’re spending money on needless subscriptions like Amazon Prime or Netflix, this might be a good time to cancel or pause them indefinitely.

In these uncertain times, money should be spent primarily on essential items like food, bills, and medicine.

This means any non-essential expenditures should be eliminated for the time being as you try to keep afloat.

Find Local Resources

If you’re truly struggling to secure food or pay your bills, then you might want to look for resources in your community that can help. Many states and cities in the U.S. have food assistance programs and healthcare resources.

You might even be able to get financial help in paying your utility bills. This can sometimes be done by contacting the utility company directly for discounts and asking for help, or you might be able to find an outside resource.

The point is to become familiar with the many resources available nationwide so you know where to turn when you need a last resort.

Dealing With Emotional Stress

As mentioned at the beginning of this article, COVID-19 itself isn’t the only threat to women’s health right now, but also the mental toll this environment of economic uncertainty is taking on women’s mental state of mind. As a result of social separation, anxiety disorders like panic attacks may start to show up as side effects of the pandemic that may need therapy.

Here are a few self-care tips to help cope with the emotional stress we’re all struggling with during these uncertain times:

Don’t Alienate Yourself

It’s easy to feel alone while we all engage in social distancing from each other, but it’s critical that you don’t alienate yourself from the world. We are social creatures, so doing this social isolation can have some serious negative repercussions on your mental health.

Instead, it is a good idea to reach out to your loved ones — no matter how far away they might be — via video chat or FaceTime on a regular basis.

Talking to friends and family (AKA people who love and care about you) can be extremely helpful when dealing with emotional stress, especially at times like these.

Find New Healthy Hobbies

You might’ve never thought about exercising or doing yoga before the pandemic, but with more time on your hands, these are activities you should probably seriously consider doing now.

The threat of COVID-19 on women’s health is even greater if you have comorbidities or a weakened immune system. Stress too weakens immunity.

Exercising and getting more vitamin D (by being outdoors) are hobbies that can both strengthen your immune system and improve your mental health.

Some additional hobbies you should consider include reading, starting a collection, or scrapbooking. Basically, anything that is engaging, relaxing, and enjoyable will do.

Follow The Advice of Health Experts

Because COVID-19 is a new virus, it’s difficult to know what to do in order to avoid catching it. However, there’s a lot of information that has already been discovered by health experts, such as the CDC.

For one, the virus is spread primarily person-to-person, which is why large groups should be avoided and you should keep at least 6 feet of distance between you and others at all times.

However, there are also asymptomatic carriers of the virus you need to worry about, which is why health experts recommend wearing a face mask in public.

As per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website, facial coverage has been proven to diminish transmission of COVID-19, which is why many states in the United States have mandates in place to ensure every resident wears one. Businesses too have signs requiring customers to wear face masks to prevent coronavirus COVID-19 infections.

Use Telehealth Services

When it comes to COVID-19 and women’s health, it’s clear that going out in public — especially to crowded places like hospitals and emergency room clinics for COVID-19 testing– should be avoided as much as possible.

Fortunately, with telehealth services being offered by many walk-in clinics throughout the U.S. — such as Statcare Urgent & Walk-In Medical Care in New York City — you can be seen by an online doctor from anywhere. An appointment can be made in less than 24 hours, unlike the regular doctor’s offices.

If you’re dealing with a non-life-threatening condition, including mental health issues, you should consider scheduling a telehealth visit to receive treatment without risking possible COVID-19 exposure. Urgent Care via Telehealth is available 7 days a week at Statcare.

Also, there are no wait times in virtual visits and medical history can be quickly taken and a treatment plan acted upon by a board-certified physician.

Telehealth can also save you time and money as it allows you to avoid traveling to a clinic, waiting in line, or spending time in waiting rooms, and it often costs less money too. Schedule your telehealth visit in NYC today by visiting Statcare’s website.

The post 7 Women’s Health Tips to Cope With The COVID-19 Pandemic appeared first on Women Daily Magazine.

source https://www.womendailymagazine.com/7-womens-health-tips-to-cope-with-the-covid-19-pandemic/


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