Are Delta 8 Gummies The Better Alternative For Busy Moms?

Delta-8 gummies couldn’t come at a more right time for me. I have always had a love-hate relationship with cannabis. I have consumed marijuana in just about every way under the sun, whether it be edibles, vaporizers, pinners, blunts, bongs, or what have you. The problem was that I never quite enjoyed the high. It made me feel stupid, slow, and more often than not paranoid, depending on the strain and dose I took.

For many years after I first tried it in college I avoided it with a passion. But it would always pop up at social events. It was college, after all. I would find myself partaking sometimes. The initial rush was always welcome, of course, but more often than not I was walking a tight rope, and it wasn’t too long before I had taken too much and that overwhelming feeling of being a bumbling sack of potatoes that couldn’t do much more than just lie around came around again.

Later on I came across CBD, and it was a boon. It gave me a relaxed feeling and many health benefits without the high associated with THC. I really loved it, but sometimes I missed being high. Wasn’t it possible to be high and healthy, but not too high? Was there some sweet spot that would make things infinitely easier?

It turns out there was, and that’s where delta 8 comes in. In fact, many of the benefits I sought from marijuana came from delta 8 with the added advantage that they weren’t as pronounced.

What is Delta 8?

Delta 8 THC, more technically known as delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol, is a variant of THC. While many people know that THC is the compound responsible for the high we feel when we consume marijuana, most don’t know that there are different variants of THC, based on slight differences in the molecular structure. Normal THC is delta-9-THC. Delta-8-THC is a variation where one of the bonds is on the 8th atom, instead of the 9th.

Why is Delta 8 THC Popular?

Delta 8 is only slightly different from delta 9, as explained above. As a result, they have many of the same properties and effects on the body when consumed. Both are psychoactive and give a high when consumed. However, even though the difference is slight, the two have some interesting differences.

Delta 8, while it gives you a high, isn’t nearly as intense as delta 9. The high is a lot less severe, and you won’t suffer from the same paranoia that you can sometimes get from marijuana. It improves your appetite, just like regular THC, but it won’t leave you famished, and it certainly doesn’t affect your ability to focus or get things done.

A Great Option for Busy Moms

I fell in love with delta 8 as soon as I tried it. It immediately relaxed me, even with a small dose, and left me in a state of euphoria. However, the high did not impair my ability to get stuff done, and I had finally found my sweet spot.

While delta 8 can be consumed in many forms, gummies are a popular option. Busy moms with a lot of responsibilities that need to feel a little relaxation as they go through their day will appreciate its qualities. It certainly worked for me!

The post Are Delta 8 Gummies The Better Alternative For Busy Moms? appeared first on Women Daily Magazine.



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