Medicinal Clay Used By Native Americans Proven To Be More Effective Than Overused Antibiotics

Native Americans have been using clay for thousands of years because it has powerful health benefits. The last couple of years, bentonite clay has made a name for itself because it’s been proven to be a powerful detoxifying agent with countless health benefits. Recently, in Kisameet Bay, British Columbia was discovered, a new type of naturally-occurring clay that contains antibacterial activity more powerful than modern-day antibiotics.

This type of clay has been used by the Heiltsuk Nation for ages. The Heiltsuk Nation can be found in the communities of Bella Bella and Klemtu, on the Central Coast of modern-day British Columbia. They were known for the artistic and fighting skills, spiritual depth and complexity of their rituals. They discovered the grey-green clay, Kisolite, thousand of years ago and they have been using it to treat arthritis, neuritis, phlebitis, skin irritations, ulcerative colitis and burns.

When researchers discovered the powerful antibacterial uses of Kisolite, microbiologist Julian Davies and Shekooh Behroozian managed to prove that the clay, suspended in water, can kill 16 strains of “ESKAPE” bacteria.  In other words, this powerful powder could be the ultimate natural reedy for some bacteria to escape the effect of antibiotics. “ESKAPE” strains of bacteria can’t be cured by modern medicine and can cause death. Researchers are hopeful that the powerful clay will become the most powerful weapon against the multi-drug-resistant pathogens.

Penicillin has been discovered in 1928 and ever since then it has helped billions of people fight infections. Unfortunately, as soon as we began taking antibiotics, we became too reliant on them. The more antibiotics we used, the more resistant the bacteria became. We didn’t use antibiotics only in the treatment of human infections, we started giving antibiotics to animals to avoid diseases and increase profit.

Unfortunately, this led to series of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, that can be transmitted to any human that consumes the infected meat. Once we get sick, the bacteria can’t be treated with antibiotics. That is why is important to avoid using antibiotics and develop natural remedies, just like this powerful clay.

The post Medicinal Clay Used By Native Americans Proven To Be More Effective Than Overused Antibiotics appeared first on Women Daily Magazine.



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