It’s So Easy Being Green: The Ways Brands Can Celebrate Earth Month

Earth Month serves as an important reminder that we all need to do our part in preserving our planet. Earth Day falls on April 22 this year, and with it comes the theme “Invest in Our Planet.” People are doing their part by recycling, using eco-friendly products, and limiting their carbon footprint. But it’s even more important that companies also do their part. In fact, they’re probably better positioned than anyone else to make real sustainable change. So if you’re a company looking for ways to celebrate Earth Month, keep scrolling for some examples and ideas. Or if you’re an earth-loving individual looking for ways to go greener this month, I’ve got you covered too at the end of this post!

Eco-Friendly Packaging

Maybe the most obvious solution a brand can employ to do their part for earth day is to invest in eco-friendly packaging. This can mean using fewer materials in general, using recyclable materials, swapping plastic for glass where possible, and even making glass out of natural or recycled materials.

As individuals, we can show companies our support for better, more environmentally friendly packaging to inspire those that need improvement. Nothing says “I agree with this” more than making the conscious choice to support that thing as opposed to the alternative. So for Earth Month, and especially Earth Day, try finding brands with packaging you can feel comfortable consuming. Besides, better bottles are good for more than just the environment – they’re also better for your body than plastic.

Maybe the easiest products that can be switched from harmful plastic to recyclable glass are beverages. For soda drinkers (and manufacturers) out there, there are more glass bottle options than ever today, from the most mainstream sodas to the independent ones you find on roadtrips. Or if you’re a juice lover, you may find it a bit harder to find glass bottles due to the high cost of juice production. Brands such as the Wonder Juice line set a good example in this regard, by creating glass bottles made from natural materials that can be reused and recycled. After all, recycling isn’t the only way to use our waste products. Sometimes a crafty repurpose is even better.

Fair Trade Practices

This one may be more of a surprise, but fair-trade certified products are better not just for you, but for the environment too. This certification signifies a few important things. It lets the consumer know that the product was made to promote sustainable livelihoods and safe working conditions for the workers, protection of the environment, and transparency outside the company. So if you’re looking for a quick label that says you’re purchasing a responsible product, make sure to look out for that Fair Trade certification.

This certification can be found on many natural and health-related products, including lots of drinks from teas to smoothies to mocktails and more. The previously mentioned Wonder Juice line fits into this criteria as well, making drinks such as Wonder Melon and Wonder Juice a smart choice for a conscious and intentional Earth Month.

You may be surprised to learn that in order to meet the fair trade requirements, the farms must improve the quality of their water and soil, avoid using harmful chemicals, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and more. This means that the agricultural ingredients that go into your favorite fair trade foods and drinks are as gentle on the environment as they can be.

Vegan and Plant-Based Materials

By now, it’s very well known that the animal agriculture industry is a huge blight on the environment, accounting for 65% of the world’s nitrous oxide emissions, according to the University of Colorado Boulder. Just a single person replacing their animal products with vegan products makes a huge dent in those emissions. So if that’s the case, imagine how much difference a brand can make by vowing against meat and animal products.

Especially when it comes to non-meat products, generally it isn’t necessary to include animal products at all. And as the world becomes more and more aware of this, companies are following suit, making more vegan products today than we’ve ever had to choose from. These range from food and drinks to clothing and cosmetics, giving us a plethora of ways to consume fewer animal products. In fact, vegan and cruelty free products have become so common, it’s very possible to cut out the entirety of our animal consumption with enough due diligence.

But that due diligence shouldn’t always lie on our shoulders. Companies need to be responsible for stepping up to the plate and creating products that are both good and don’t require animal agriculture.

Organic Farming

Organic farming is a way of growing crops and raising animals that eliminates the use of harmful chemicals and pesticides. The use of pesticides in farming has become a hot topic as more and more people are becoming aware of their negative impact on the environment. Pesticides can threaten the biodiversity of the environment, and organic farmers work hard to avoid them. In fact, according to the USDA, “[organic production] practices foster cycling of resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity.” For this reason, more brands should pursue organic farming for their agricultural needs. Besides, it’s good for our bodies too!

Organic farms have become increasingly popular in recent years, and more companies have been turning to them in kind. For vegans who prioritize organic farming, tahini can be a great place to turn. Because it’s made from organic sesame seeds from organic farms and nothing else, the popular Organic Tahini from Mighty Sesame Co. is a smart and eco-conscious way to add protein and calcium to a vegan (or non-vegan) diet this Earth Month.


Earth Month is a reminder for people to do their part in order to effectively preserve the environment for future generations. We should all work on protecting Mother Nature and make life great for younger generations. Plus, being environmentally friendly is just good business. Not only can you make a real difference in the world, but you can demonstrate to potential customers that you are a committed, responsible business. There are plenty of other reasons to be an environmentally conscious brand as well. Those reasons don’t all have to tie back to profit – some of them just make sense from a moral and social standpoint.

The post It’s So Easy Being Green: The Ways Brands Can Celebrate Earth Month appeared first on Women Daily Magazine.



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