How Narcissistic Children are Born?

Narcissism is a mental health condition, that can have a range of causes, and it often begins in childhood. Various factors can contribute to narcissistic behaviors in children, and as parents, it is important to know how to distinguish between normal childhood development and raising narcissistic children. Here is how a narcissistic child is born:


1. Overindulgence and Spoiling

If children are consistently pampered, praised excessively, and given everything they want without limits, they may come to expect this level of attention and entitlement. This can contribute to narcissistic tendencies.

2. Parental Influence

Children often model their behavior after their parents. If a child’s parents are excessively selfishness, self-absorbed, or display narcissistic tendencies themselves, the child may learn such behaviors and attitudes. Also, overvaluing your child can make them aggressive and having superior attitude.

3. Lack of Empathy and Emotional Validation

Children who do not receive appropriate emotional validation and empathy from their parents may develop a sense of entitlement and a need for constant attention and affirmation from others. Ignoring their feelings or telling them what they’re upset about doesn’t matter teaches them that what they feel is wrong. This ultimately teaches them that having emotions is wrong, leading to the development of unhealthy numbing behaviors and other issues.

4. Peer Influence

Children can be influenced by their friends and peers. If they are part of a social environment that values materialism, superficiality, and egocentric, they may adopt these values and behaviors.

5. Personality Traits

Some children may have inborn personality traits that make them more prone to narcissistic behaviors. However, that personality traits can evolve and change over time, especially during childhood and adolescence.

6. Social Media Influences

Social media can expose children to messages that promote narcissistic attitudes, such as valuing external appearance, seeking attention, and pursuing fame.

Although some level of self-centeredness and a need for attention is a normal part of childhood development, still if you are concerned about narcissistic behaviors in a child, it is advisable to seek professional help from a child psychologist or therapist who can assess the situation and provide appropriate guidance and interventions to support healthy development. Early intervention can help your child develop healthier social and emotional skills and become more empathetic and socially aware.

The post How Narcissistic Children are Born? appeared first on Women Daily Magazine.



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