Accidental Injuries Can Impact Mental Health and Families
When we suffer an injury as a result of an accident, we tend to think of the direct, immediate consequences first and foremost. Break an arm and your ability to use that arm will be compromised! What often takes people by surprise are the indirect consequences. A severe injury such as a road accident can leave you reliant on friends and family members, and this dependency can lead to frustration. Even a minor injury might affect your ability to work and function, which can increase the tension in a household. So having identified these problems, what can we do to fix them? The first step is to come to terms with the fact that these challenges are coming. Make it Right The National Accident Helpline, a solicitors specialising in personal injury compensation, have launched the ‘Make it Right’ campaign to draw attention to these problems. As part of the campaign, they have conducted a survey of British accident victims which revealed a number of mental side-effects to be distressing...