11 Surprising Health Benefits of Cannabis
Thanks to the signing into law of the 2018 Hemp Bill , it is legal to cultivate, trade, and use cannabis products in 50 states in the United States. This has led to more popularity of the product, with more people using cannabis for the psychoactive effect. However, according to recent studies , cannabis does more than give users a ‘high’ impact. Cannabis can also be used for medicinal purposes. Read on for 11 surprising benefits of cannabis. 1. Alleviates chronic pain Chronic pain is one of the significant reasons for disability, and affects over 25 million people in the U.S. Chronic pain continues even when the condition, injury, or illness that caused it has gone away or healed. It can affect your ability to take care of yourself, your social life, and working, leading to depression, anxiety, and trouble sleeping. An effective way to relieve chronic pain is by consuming cannabis products, especially those with high levels of cannabinoids. These products have n...